We are Magic | Teen Ink

We are Magic

February 2, 2013
By the_wallflower SILVER, Raleigh, North Carolina
the_wallflower SILVER, Raleigh, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself": FDR

Sitting here in my pj’s
listening to the song magic
on a Saturday morning.
Nothing magic about that

but don’t we all have magic?
Take away the friends, parents,life
there's something about everyone
and they can’t always see it in themselves.

I’m here to question that
to tell you: magic is in you.
Just think about it, question it
isn’t that's what life is for?

To Challenge It

The author's comments:
This is what I think about when I slow down and think.

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