On Breaking Up | Teen Ink

On Breaking Up

February 1, 2013
By Mojo17 BRONZE, Albany, New York
Mojo17 BRONZE, Albany, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.&rdquo; <br /> ― Thomas Mann

My heart breaks as the last of his footsteps make their leave

I remember the time we had told each other our future dreams

It all becomes a sudden memory

We just weren't meant to be

A pain that shall never fade

A tear drop that’ll keep going on

A touch that’ll linger

It seems too much to bear

My mind sends me tumbling

My world comes crashing

It all just doesn’t seem fair

I turn my head away and act
like I don’t care

I'm burning from within

I'm melting

And it’s all because of him

I want to yell

I want to scream

But my throats too dry

I want to break down and cry

It just doesn’t seem fair

A hug is too much

A laugh is even more

I want to get up and storm out the door

I want to forgive

I want to love

But something’s holding me back

It’s much too soon to let go

I stand still and rock back n fro

A pull to the past

A shove to the present

I want to erase everything

But I can’t will myself to forget

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