Friends | Teen Ink


January 31, 2013
By Yea_itsella BRONZE, Beverly Hills, Virginia
Yea_itsella BRONZE, Beverly Hills, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you start from the top, you appreciate the bottom.

What are friends?
Friends bring laughter
Friends do things without wondering what happens after
Friends are there through thick and thin
When you need them, they say, “where and when”
Friends love you no matter what
They trust each other no “ifs, ands, or buts”
Friends should not come in seasons
They should stick by you no matter the reasons
So again I ask
What are friends?
If you think you have some,
You might want to think again.

The author's comments:
As you get older and grow as a person you soon learn that not everyone is your friend. Some are just for good times, some come in your life now and then, real friends stick with you to the end.

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