To Feel Something | Teen Ink

To Feel Something

January 22, 2013
By Alexis-Serrano SILVER, East Windsor, New Jersey
Alexis-Serrano SILVER, East Windsor, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You cut to feel something
You cut to feel relieved
You can't be alone
Because you can't breath
People make you promise, to not cut again
But they also promised, they'd never leave
And after blood runs down your arm, combined with tears
Someday day this wont fulfill your need, that's your biggest fear
Countless razors in a hiding place
Countless of scars on your arms and legs
Scared of being you
Scared of not being the best
You cut to feel something
You cut to feel relieved
You close your eyes let the dark sink in
And whisper goodnight to the moon
Because its lonely up there just like you
You close your eyes let the dark sink in
Your heart stops beating and that's when you're finally free

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