Rules of Attraction | Teen Ink

Rules of Attraction

January 24, 2013
By Anonymous

When we met, I felt this strange tension.
Upon closer inspection,
You seem like my kind of perfection.
Though this is our first interaction,
I can't deny this unique attraction.

Our conversation holds many a mention
Of a possible reconciliation,
So we fall in love for the night without any consideration.

You live states away, but sometimes it feels like a different dimension.
I feel as if my heart is under a full blown invasion.
Someone give me some instruction
On how to delay my own heart's destruction.

Maybe we're under an illusion,
Or contracted some crazy love contagion.
I do not want this infatuation to be a permanent affliction,
But you're turning out to be a new addiction.

You plus me is simple addition,
But it seems like we'll end in some complicated long division.
I hope that this isn't a freak work of fiction,
Or a product of my own imagination.

I like you for reasons beyond comprehension,
And for this I believe there was no prevention.
I am defenseless, with no protection
From the dreaded rules of attraction.

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