Just Because | Teen Ink

Just Because

January 11, 2013
By kimmy67 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
kimmy67 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m Mexican

Just because I’m Mexican
Doesn’t mean I eat tacos everyday
Doesn’t mean I’m going to have 20 kids
Doesn’t mean I have natural straight hair

Just because I’m Mexican
Doesn’t mean I’m not a citizen
Doesn’t mean I can’t speak proper English
Doesn’t mean I won’t graduate from high school

Just because I’m Mexican
Doesn’t mean I can’t be tall
Doesn’t automatically mean I say “orale wuey,” or that it’s in my vocabulary
And definitely doesn’t mean I’ll turn out to be an alcoholic

Just because I’m Mexican
Why do people have to care?
Why do people have to be ignorant and stereotypical?
But most of all,
Why should I care about what ignorant people say?

Just because I’m Mexican
Doesn’t mean I’m going to turn out to be, what people say I’m going to be

And it’s all
Just because I’m Mexican.

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