Untitled | Teen Ink


January 11, 2013
By kjohnson818 BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
kjohnson818 BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The things that could have been
Nicer cars, a bigger house, and more opportunities
But instead he works from eight to ten

In my beat down Buick I drive to school
Yes it could be worse, I am no fool
Happy my parents gave me this independence
Maybe tonight he will be let off early
But instead he works from eight to ten

Math problems beware
They didn't cause him that gray hair
High school for him was a breeze.
An architect, an engineer, or maybe a teacher
The things that could have been

Clink goes the chains as he hangs the swings
He designed the clubhouse, bought the supplies, and built it himself
"Yay!" we squeal and feel like queens
He could do this every day
But instead he works from eight to ten

I wish he had the opportunity
He still makes me proud every day
Not going to college doesn't mean he's dumb
I've learned life lessons no one could take away
The things that could have been

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