An Onyx | Teen Ink

An Onyx

January 8, 2013
By mkekbw BRONZE, Mount Hermon, Massachusetts
mkekbw BRONZE, Mount Hermon, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That night when we sat across from each other
under the dim light of the Japanese restaurant
I thought I spotted a subtle change in your eyes

Perhaps you were displeased with the dragon roll
Perhaps you were excited to hand me the birthday present
or perhaps you were merely pondering life

With those eyes, unfathomable like the deep sea
You looked at me and gave me that very smile
which has delighted me for the past three years

Then you placed a tiny crimson box on the table
and told me happy birthday as you pushed it towards me
You wanted me to open it after I returned home
and I obeyed, knowing that you were always so shy about these matters

On our ride back, listening to the Beatles' Lemon Tree
I drew a heart with my fingertip against the
frosted window. It was a bitterly cold winter night

Once I was in my room, I opened the box
There sat a beautiful onyx necklace
Then I knew what the subtleness in your eyes had meant
You did not love me anymore

Once, looking at the pendant on display
I had marveled at the austere beauty of the gem
I did truly think it was gorgeous

But you were skeptical of the blackness of it
You thought it lacked passion
like a fiery ruby
or an azure sapphire
Nor did it possess the elegance of a pearl

Was it superficiality that you were referring to?
The insipid mind and cooled passion
Or am I wrong?

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