The Monster | Teen Ink

The Monster

January 6, 2013
By TheycallmeLiz BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
TheycallmeLiz BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love me or hate me; both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart, if you hate me, I'll always be in your mind." -Shakespeare

I used to be an innocent little girl,
Mommy and Daddy would watch me spin and twirl.
I knew no evil in my mind,
and I kept that I, he wouldn't find.
My smiles were real and oh so unique.
And I looked at the world
as my very highest peak.
One day I found evil under my bed
But little did they know that it was all in my head.
The monster would hide
in my closet at night.
'Til he crept into my head
with a battle to fight.
I watched the monster grow;
from fake to real.
He'd consumed my thoughts fully;
it was all I could feel.
My body matured along with my mind..
But the monster was still all I could find.
Life became real
No longer a game.
What happened to this little girl
And her big dreams of fame?
The monster took over her heart and her soul;
and created a pit,
a big gaping hole.
I'd laugh, I'd smile, and put on a show in my head...
But nobody realized how I wished I was dead.
It was a constant battle
between depression and I.
A battle of fighting my will to
soon die.
I continued to grow
As I lived in this hell.
Until one day,
I swallowed some pills
and fell.
I had given up
on the game of life,
But the doctors, they saved me
in this horrible strife.
I was hospitalized for well over a week
and medications were all
that the doctors would seek.
Prozac, Celexa, Lexapro,
They somehow led the monsters to go.
I grew very happy
Not utterly weak.
Then I met a man whom I started to seek,
we fell in love and soon married,
and then one day a child we carried.
We had a magnificent, beautiful start.
And a daughter
with a kind and very pure heart.
She grew to be
our perfect little girl.
And yes, my dear;
I did watch her twirl.
Until one night
she turned around my mind.
She told me something
of her very own kind.
"Mommy, there is a monster under my bed."
And this terrible monster,
is the reason she's dead.

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