Goliath’s sword | Teen Ink

Goliath’s sword

December 18, 2012
By chew95 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
chew95 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To be great is to be misunderstood." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Many people have died because of me.
I am the second to last thing they feel before they die.
The last thing is the ground when they fall.
But I never thought I would take the life of my master.
That fateful day started like any other.
We had been at war for a while now.

But as the morning drew long, I could sense that today was going to be different.
As I lay in my sheath, I felt the ground shaking.
It was him, my master. He grabbed me with a force so great that I felt I was surly going to break
In two. He hooked me onto his belt. I swung back and forth as he stalked to the meeting of the two mountains.
I could feel his impatience. It had been a while since he shed blood.
When he was within sight of the Israelite camp, he began to mock them and their God.
He had been doing this for forty days but today he got his answer. A young man,
Nay, a boy came to meet him. I thought that he would be better armed.
With five stones and one sling, what could he do?
My master, a giant of nine and a half feet, laughed. He was offended.
I‘m sure he was wondering why they sent a boy to fight a man.
My master cursed him and his God.
But the boy was not afraid; he believed that his God would deliver my master into his hands.
I heard that this God was really powerful, but how could He help this boy defeat my master?
I could feel the tension in my master’s body as they advanced towards each other.
He was uneasy. He too had heard the stories of this boy’s God.
I had a good view of the boy from where I hung. He was about to release his first stone.
The stone flew through the air like an arrow flying away from its bow.

As the stone flew it was as if it had been guided by God’s hand itself.
Bam! The stone slammed into my master’s forehead.

His fall was an earthquake.

My master, defeated but not dead.
The boy, who is now a king, ran over and dragged me from my sheath.
He raised my above his head, preparing to do the unthinkable.
He used me.
He used me to cut off my master’s head.

The author's comments:
Based on 1 Samuel 17

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