A Scarred Heart Fixed With Tape | Teen Ink

A Scarred Heart Fixed With Tape

December 18, 2012
By Lauren Diego BRONZE, Ormond Beavh, Florida
Lauren Diego BRONZE, Ormond Beavh, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can not figure out what is happening,
the screeching and screaming, hollering and weeping
envelop the house.
They are in a fight again,
it becomes so heated— almost physical.
On the spur of the moment my mom holds out her hand
as we scamper over to the neighbors house.
I peered out the window praying for an escape
only to find blue and red flashing lights speeding down the street.
My mom put on a mask of bravery to free me from danger
but all I could see was a shaken woman searching for shelter.
The knock on the door was the rainbow at the end of a frightening storm.
Ensured everything was under watch, we return home.
Seconds felt like hours, step by step I gained the strength to re-enter.
Seeing the tears in my fathers eyes I knew he was sincere,
to the rules of the house he would adhere.
We hugged in unison and all was well again,
but seeing the look in my parents eyes I knew;
this was the end, there was nothing I could do.
This was five years ago,
and even now there are some things about that night I still don’t know.
The memory is like a car wreck— flashbacks of the incident,
people watching but nothing nor no one can make the pain subside.

The author's comments:
It is about my parents and how bad the situation was when they first started going through their divorce

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