Memories | Teen Ink


December 4, 2012
By ElizaWoods BRONZE, Channelview, Texas
ElizaWoods BRONZE, Channelview, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is what it is!"

So many memories...and a lot of matter how hard I try I cant get you out of my heart, its like were tied at the soul... and every time I think of you, I smile, only to cry when I remember where you are, your the only thing i've ever been hooked on and can't get off of, life is the scariest story in the whole world, you make it less make me feel like everything is going to just melt away, and I breathe deep as you wrap me in your arms, making the entire world disappear. You're not gone, but it feels like you are. You say you still love me, and thats what makes it hurt to love you back....

The author's comments:
my ex and i split, mut we still love each other..

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