Broken home | Teen Ink

Broken home

November 28, 2012
By Anonymous

What you do when all you can think about is giving up
Everyone around you have given up
So why not me
Why do I have to fight to live when they don’t

Why do I have to fight for the live we use to have
When they already gave up on the idea of a family
people use to envy us for the family that we were on the surface
yet they were wrong it was a facaed, a surface of lies

why pretend to be something your not
because it feels as if Ive lived a lie
now I just want to go back to that lie n relive
id rather live a lie because this reality is harsh

I don’t want to live the life of a broken family
I now resent the feelings I use to hold against this idea of a family
Because now karma has come and took the only faimly ive ever had
I guess you can say I got what I wished for in a twisted way

I guess you can say goodbye because no matter what my relality has been set in stone
Ands their no way to reverse what has been done
The damage cant be undone
So I must live to my best abilty

The author's comments:
family falling apart

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