A Sunny Day in September | Teen Ink

A Sunny Day in September

November 11, 2012
By Hershey55555 BRONZE, Birmingham, Alabama
Hershey55555 BRONZE, Birmingham, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today is a sunny day in September,
But it is the anniversary of something to remember.
The day and time they bring them back,
To when their loved ones were still intact.
Sometimes it seems like everything happened just yesterday.

It was just an average morning,
And there was no warning.
But then there was a low and loud sound in the sky,
As a plane came flying by.
Soon everything would be grey.

When planes and towers had their meetings,
It was on T.V. repeating and repeating.
The crash left smoke and fire in the air,
And caused many people too young to die.
Their lives something that no one can repay.

And when the buildings came crashing down,
Shock and anger filled down town.
Remembering some of their faces,
Is more painful than going back to the places,
That were lost in just one day.

And let it be told,
That these events hurt the whole world.
Many lives were lost,
But what is the real cost?
The memories still follow us today.

Although that day has past,
The memories will forever last.
Together we grow,
Although it may not always show,
And memories of that day will never stray.

The author's comments:
I wrote this myself about the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Never Forget.

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