Lord Hear My Cry | Teen Ink

Lord Hear My Cry

November 10, 2012
By theInfluencee BRONZE, Little Rock, Arkansas
theInfluencee BRONZE, Little Rock, Arkansas
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

Both of his eyes closed, tears gliding down his brown face,
Pain weeping through his eyes: lurking into my soul tearing me to pieces,
The rage coming from his loud mouth piercing my ears,
His tendency to cry is getting painful.
The troubled child's avoidance from the situation he was in lies behind a fortress,
Voices in his head are on the verge of curiosity,
Not knowing if one will have the pride to speak.
He cries.
Screeches lie in the room full of sorrow,
Empathy then hits his ears, coming from my once closed mouth,
His heart shifts then lies in my soul.
Pain that has once been found is now lost.
Silence now appears and noise vanishes.

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