My Lullabye to You | Teen Ink

My Lullabye to You

November 10, 2012
By City_Of_Angels PLATINUM, West Des Moines, Iowa
City_Of_Angels PLATINUM, West Des Moines, Iowa
25 articles 1 photo 31 comments

As we fall asleep
With you wrapped in my arms
Together forever and always
Safe from any harm

I bury my face in your hair
Breathing in your scented shampoo
Smiling to myself
As I whisper my vow to you

"You need not worry about me leaving
For your my only one
I’ll love you to the grave
The setting of the distant sun"

I pull you closer to me
"I’d drop every fling for you
For it is you I want to be my girl
The one I’d marry and start a life so new

"I wouldn't trade you for the world
Since it's u who holds the key to my <3
The one, if you leave me
Could make my world crumble and fall apart"

I kiss you tenderly on the neck
Before falling asleep too
For tomorrow we'll love each other til death do us part
For it's the day we say "I do".

The author's comments:
I come from a very unstable background and this was a poem my boyfriend sent to me. What i want people to get out of this is that even if you had a terrible past, don't think that's how your life will always be. He has been my BGF since Pre-K and loves depite it all.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 26 2012 at 1:56 pm
ChildOfTheArrow BRONZE, San Pedro, California
3 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going" David Rossi (criminal minds)

wow this is good to you r a good writer