Release | Teen Ink

Release MAG

November 5, 2012
By Kalee_Cav SILVER, Albany, New York
Kalee_Cav SILVER, Albany, New York
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only fear can keep you from accomplishing goals

I look out the window
To find the city on fire
Chaos has stormed our banks
A woman weeps on the corner
And from what I can tell she is forever alone
I am grateful
For all of my love
Wrapped in embrace
I sit down at my desk
Facing the wall
The perfect punishment
Flames lick at my face
As I push open the third-story window
I catch the whiff of cigarettes and old spice
Hell hath frozen over now
I remember that fresh smell you wore
Straight out of the shower
And how it always became tainted by King tobacco
One more minute
One more cigarette
One more year without you
I smell your scent
In a city of flames
My torso burns in anticipation
And all at once I combust
Releasing myself from the constraints above
I wake up sweat-soaked
A light smell in the air
And for one moment
Infinite in time
I watched the barrier between the here
And now
And after

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