longlife depression | Teen Ink

longlife depression

November 3, 2012
By _US_ARMY_SOLDIER BRONZE, Middletown, New York
_US_ARMY_SOLDIER BRONZE, Middletown, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
i am a punishment of god, and if man had not commited such great sins, god would not have sent a punishment like me upon you
~genghis khan

It seems that the only one that I love has become the only true friend
Has become the only one I can trust
Has become the only one that cares about me
Now as I type I try to stay positive
Thinking only of her and nothing else
Now the world has collapsed in my head
For the thought of losing her killed me heart
Even though it had not happened
But in this time of emotional turmoil and stress
Losing her would surely be the worst
The worst feelings would be experienced
The worst pains would be felt
The most hurt full words would be said
Not only to me but to those who would start to care
If as though they only care because I’m hurt
But once I’m better would they still care
But still life must continue
for as my heart still crumbles
I must push on
I must stay strong
For feelings are still shared and felt
I will always love her
She made me feel so high
High on life
I felt so powerful
I felt like a king
A king who has just conquered a great army
And was still left standing

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