Our Journey Begins | Teen Ink

Our Journey Begins

November 2, 2012
By ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Sometimes I wish you could just read my mind, to find out whats really on my heart, because my words could never tell you.

In days of past we have so many memories
People we've know things we've did
But overall it's about how we turned out as successful men and women

We have much to look forward to and much to look back on
And that is what made us who we are today
High school prepares us for the rest of our lives
Even though this journey has came to an end we have many more to travel

As we spread our wings and head our seperate ways, we will never forget anyone who made this possible
I've found my path, have you found yours?

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