Perfect World | Teen Ink

Perfect World

August 4, 2012
By MangaPhilosopher SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
MangaPhilosopher SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
one is all and all is one

A life in fear is not life at all

We only laugh when we get the money and we only cry when bankrupt:This qoute is for some

Life is just a dream one big twisted dream

The Less you care the less you have to loss

If I die I die cool

I think: therefore I am
Better to be weird, then cliché

A metropolis without crime
This is the perfect world in mind
A land without illness and disease
With not so much as a sneeze
A world covered in vegetables and fruit
A place where no one loots
A globe full of kindness lacking hate
Where everybody acts like saints
A planet with no war or murder
The way we live can't go any further
A paradise where God's creatures aren't killed
Where globe warming would be healed
A would free of all the insanity
A world like this would only feel like a fantasy.

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