Sugar Sunbeams | Teen Ink

Sugar Sunbeams

July 31, 2012
By TickTockBANG SILVER, Botkins, Ohio
TickTockBANG SILVER, Botkins, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I believe that what doesn't kill you simply makes you... stranger." --Joker

My head is home to things that never seem to last, such as:

Shrieking and fluttering bats, and bats,

And porcelain teacups that tip and crash, and crash,

And houses of mirrors to smash, to smash

And scavenged pieces of my past, my past,

And things that move too fast, too fast,

And pictures of people that flash, that flash,

And bursts of color that clash, that clash,

And endless pages of fake facts, fake facts,

And things that move too fast, too fast,

And whips that sting and lash, and lash,

And shiny sharp knives that slash, and slash,

And things that move too fast, too fast,

And things too sweet to last, to last,

And things that move too fast, too fast,

And things that move too fast, too fast,




As fast.



When they hit.



They couldn’t.




Because they may never have been meant to last, to last.

The author's comments:
Sugar Sunbeams dissolve just as quickly as they came, and were never meant to last (to last).

(I'm pretty sure this was written at three in the morning.)

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This article has 4 comments.

JRaye PLATINUM said...
on Jan. 6 2014 at 4:05 pm
JRaye PLATINUM, Dorr, Michigan
43 articles 10 photos 523 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you build your house far enough away from Trouble, then Trouble will never find you."

"Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, 'I just don't care.'?"

I loved this so much! :D I have to say, this is pretty much exactly how my brain works. Going too fast, too fast. Amazing job, this better be recognized by the Editors! :)

on Jan. 4 2014 at 5:42 pm
BandGeekAndProud PLATINUM, Burlington, Massachusetts
23 articles 0 photos 49 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
Albert Einstein

I really like the pacing here. It makes the poem really stand out. Great job.

on Mar. 18 2013 at 2:17 am
TheSkyOwesMeRain GOLD, Irvine, California
13 articles 1 photo 299 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments which take your breath away.

You are only as strong as your weakest link.

Nice use of pacing and rhythm - I tried saying this aloud :P 

eliana924 GOLD said...
on Oct. 17 2012 at 9:58 pm
eliana924 GOLD, New York, New York
11 articles 0 photos 116 comments
I  LOVE the way this rolls off my tongue! The rhyming and rhythm work wonderfully, although some lines could be tweaked. I also love the way you use the page and empty space as part of the poem itself, especially "Andthingsthatmovetoofast..." I also like how you repeated the form of the beginning in the last line.