Drowning Sirens | Teen Ink

Drowning Sirens

May 27, 2012
By faerie-tales PLATINUM, Colchester, Connecticut
faerie-tales PLATINUM, Colchester, Connecticut
49 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Swept beneath the sea’s swift contractions,

Pushed below the violent blackened waves,

The maiden struggled in the midst of it all,

The tempest consumed her for what felt like days.

She tried to stay at the surface; afloat,

As the current constantly forced her down,

They say she stifled a laugh at the irony:

Who would have thought a mermaid could drown?

Captains and crews jumped into the unknown to save her,

And so as the lovely luring siren gracefully descended,

So did the mortal men who drowned soon after,

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