Feel the Heat | Teen Ink

Feel the Heat

June 10, 2012
By Jazzi_wazzi GOLD, Taree, California
Jazzi_wazzi GOLD, Taree, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
always laugh when you can its the best medicine<br /> dont judge a book by its cover

I can feel the heat of your body as each drop of water touches the surface, rolling down your face. I run my fingers down your cheek and wipe away the tear. The tear that tells a thousand things. I grab for my heart but realize it's attached. I scream for help as i rest my head. i ache for you, as love is painful

The author's comments:
This is about a situation i am, and is about how i and the other person are effected in it. I hope that the readers get a feel of emotions as they read through it

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