I'm Not A Doll | Teen Ink

I'm Not A Doll

May 30, 2012
By Courtney Jones BRONZE, Warren, Ohio
Courtney Jones BRONZE, Warren, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm tired of being nothing.
I don't get why I'm treated this way.
What did I do?
I am a person, yet I'm treated like a doll.
So fun when you first get it; but when it gets old,
You throw it away, just like you did to me.
I can feel, cry, and bleed.
I'm not a toy!
If you don't want me then fine,
Cause someone else does.
What was I to you?
A joke! A puppet on a string!
I'm not your little play thing!
I'm tired of being mistreated.
Your no longer part of my life.
You never should have been.
You'll just be my favorite mistake.

The author's comments:
I wrote this article when a lot of people around me were messing around with my feelings and it hurt to know the people I cared about made fun of me and didn't really care. It let me know that sometimes, just because you care and trust someone doesn't mean they feel the same.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 4 2012 at 8:57 pm
DreamingOutQuiet SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Time and the bell have buried the day,<br /> The black cloud carries the sun away&quot; - Elliot<br /> <br /> Oh if life where made of moments, even now and then a bad one. Oh, if life where made of moments then we wouldn&#039;t know we had one. - Into the Woods

good job! I relate to this well, but maybe work on your rythm and word choice.