What would my like be like? | Teen Ink

What would my like be like?

May 22, 2012
By Anonymous

My life goes on and still i wounder
what would it be like if i had a different life.
If my parents would have been different
What would my life be like?
If i was not taken away by S.S
what would my life be like.
Maybe i would still be living in Ohio
or not live on the streets
when i turned18.
if i would have had my first job
go on to collage or the military
why would my life be like?
But yet i can wounder
never know what it's like
yet my life today is OK
all the people i meet
my foster parents
although i did not like meeting my adopted parents
they kicked me out when i turned 18.
But i have to thank them because the put me on my feet.
My ex girlfriend was the best thing that happened to me
but after a year she brOKe up with me
that killed my heart
ever since then i have not been the same
i have meet people but never had the courage to ask anyone out
but every tI'me i do
i find out they are with someone else.
so i remain single still
I'm not happy
my life is stress
no fun and no play
i feel like ending my life
my question
who would care
who would try to stop me
and who would miss me?
wait i got the answer NO ONE

The author's comments:
my life story

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This article has 1 comment.

joshua BRONZE said...
on May. 29 2012 at 11:27 pm
joshua BRONZE, Plant City, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
shit happens move on

this was written by me sorry i thought it would put my name but it di not srry