They Are.... | Teen Ink

They Are....

April 10, 2012
By ChristinaC. PLATINUM, Corry, Pennsylvania
ChristinaC. PLATINUM, Corry, Pennsylvania
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore.'"

They are the ones we need the most.
They are the ones we can’t truly appreciate
Until we have all but lost them.
They are the ones who tell us we’re wrong
And help us make it right.
They are the ones we cry to
When he hurts us beyond words.
They are the ones that kill the guy
That had the nerve to hurt us in the first place.
They are the ones who can fix us
No matter how broken we are.
They are the ones we can laugh with
When we do something really stupid.
They are the ones we can rely on
To keep our deepest, darkest secrets.
They are the ones we cry for
When they have to move.
They are the ones we love
Like they were our own brother or sister.
They are the ones we’ll fight for
So they don’t have to.
They are the ones who we tell our problems
And they try to help us with them.
They are the ones we trust
With our lives.
They are our friends
And we are proud to call them that.
They are there for us
And we are there for them.
Take care of and cherish your friend
And never, ever let them go.

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