Inner Demons | Teen Ink

Inner Demons

February 27, 2012
By aziiRose97 SILVER, Bronx, New York
aziiRose97 SILVER, Bronx, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't understand life until you're done living it - azaliyah

It is late at night
And the darkness whispers sweet melodies
Inside of my ear
While my inner demons
Scream out my insecurities
That i can never forget
Pointing out my flaws
And telling me to die
And the only thing that can help
Is when i play music in my ears
The headphones act as earplugs
To their demonic screams
And the music
Helps sow my heart back together
And my heartbeat calms down
But sometimes
Music just is not enough
Sometimes those demonic screams
Are too strong
And I break down
Until i feel like i am nothing but dust
Blowing away
Into to cold winds of night

The author's comments:
This poem descibes my fight with my insecurities on a daily basis. It represents what music means to me and how much my insecurities bother me.

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