Leaving the nest | Teen Ink

Leaving the nest

January 24, 2012
By lisTKM GOLD, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
lisTKM GOLD, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
keep dreaming, because the best is yet to come

I hear the splish and splash of water as the birds flock around the bird bath. And spread their wings wide, and vigorously flap them, as if to flaunt their capability to fly away whenever they please. they chirp their gleeful melody as we look on with envious eyes for we remain firmly grounded.
As I walk down the cracked cement sidewalk I listen to the clicks and clacks of my every step. I walk towards the stage, as the band begins their sound checks. My heart is accompanied by deep breaths enthusiastically awaiting for the beginning to start. I glance up into a tree and spot an empty nest. That's when thoughts of abandonment and confusion are met by the tragedy at the base of the towering pine. i hear the soft song smothered by the blaring music of the concert, erupting ahead.
The mama bird cries her sorrow-filled song, perched beside what used to be her baby. he was green with envy and black with sadness so desperately yearning to be like the other birds who soared through the sky. But now his mother is left alone to feel the emptiness in her chest, and aching of her heart, because of her son who thought he could fly and soon realized he was wrong.
The chirps are her song, she sings to her baby, and to the skies, her lullaby blues, if only.
Suddenly I feel myself begin to sigh. I too have envied the birds who had the courage to soar, and wondered if only.
Although her chirps sound like a happy song, I know they're a cry, for she lost her whole world in one small step.She sits there pleading to the heavens that her son come back to her, Knowing already, she's asking for too much.

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