Decay | Teen Ink


January 15, 2012
By brightblue. GOLD, Green Bay, Wisconsin
brightblue. GOLD, Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Many things - such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly - are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
- C.S. Lewis

The world is ending.
And all we can do is take pictures.
Snap, snap, snap.
The world is ending, slowly but surely -
we are decaying like fallen logs, we are decaying day by day, evening by evening
- every morning we wake up, we are a little bit less
than we were yesterday.
The world is ending, but all we can do is take pictures.
Piles and piles of pictures, to stack in desk drawers and hide in dusty photo albums under beds.
It's true, we are growing older, but let's try to do it gracefully.
Let's pretend the moon is our spotlight.
Let's sneak out late at night and take walks through the woods, let's dance and sing and kiss in the rain.
Let's take lots and lots of pictures.
Because the world is slowly ending,
And there's nothing we can do.

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