I'm a country girl | Teen Ink

I'm a country girl

January 14, 2012
By CynthiaLibby BRONZE, Meridian, Mississippi
CynthiaLibby BRONZE, Meridian, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love is like a Rubix Cube. There are many wrong twists and turns, but once you get it right, it looks perfect on every side you look at." -Demi (@

Yes, I say y'all
Yes I say ain't,
you know why?
I'm a country girl.

I don't hide it,
I'm not embarrassed by it,
I'm just a country girl!

I'm not an average country girl though.

I don't kill anything,
I don't own a farm,

I love to ride horses
because, well, I'm a country girl.

I don't wear cowboy hats,
but I do like me some fried chicken!

I rock out to country music,
I'll work to earn a buck,
and my dogs?
hurt them, I hurt you!
hurt me, they'll hurt you!
Me and my dogs are tough as nails.

as you can see I'm an average girl,
just got a different accent!

The author's comments:
My brother is in the air force, and he was in Japan for about 3 years and lost all his country accent! It sounds really weird, but hey, he's still my brother. we're all humans. We're just different colors, have different accents and from different places! God Bless America!

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