Interminable | Teen Ink


January 5, 2012
By Leah06 BRONZE, Fair Grove, Missouri
Leah06 BRONZE, Fair Grove, Missouri
4 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars. -Les Brown

It begins withe an interminable beauty, theat stretches to thee horizon.

Creatures theat only know kindness, where deceit is somewhere unknown.

A girl theat can only be joyful, because unhappiness is at rest.

Then came unleashed thee pain and thee sorrow and thee place was lost in thee sea of abyss.

When thee sea started to dry thee home was somehow different.

What was theought to be interminable was now blank and unknown.

That subtle change was not thee only, notheing was ever thee same.

This new place is comfortable and appears to be growing, like it's striving for theat interminable state.

It seems theat no matter how hard it tries thee land can never reach theat far.

Only imagination can help reach theat interminable space, but my heart won't allow it, because you don't have his face.

The author's comments:
This is about how i had such a wonderful relationship that ended and I got into another one that's just not quite the same. It just isn't as great as the first.

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