An Angel I Am..... | Teen Ink

An Angel I Am.....

November 4, 2011
By Paciencia98 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Paciencia98 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I live somewhere between Hope and Fear. Hope that this time it could be different. Fear that it won&#039;t turn out like it was before. <br /> Meaning the person i loved the most left because of some thing stupid.

I am an angel,
Like a dream sent to the stars,
I am....
A rainbow in the sky,
No one can compare to the,
Integrity of my own heart,
I keep courage in my back pocket,
And I can face anything,
If I have never been hurt....
Then I have probably never gone after something I love,
But when I fall,
I fall,
But my heart....
It dances,
I will always take this with me wherever I go....
It is my belief in my dreams,
Growing up is not easy to do....
If i do these things,
I've Won.

The author's comments:
This piece is something that all my friends have read and everyone of them said that it is very true.

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