Lonely | Teen Ink


November 13, 2011
By starwhale9 SILVER, South Setauket, New York
starwhale9 SILVER, South Setauket, New York
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The most important thing is this moment.

Part I

I hear the wind in the hollows of the house,
The fear of loneliness closing in,
Company being gone only for moments.
I quiver as I feel the imposing pressure rise,
And the stretch of skin over my cheeks and nose reddens as tears fill my eyes.
My lungs feel the size of walnuts encased in stiff rough shells as I pant,
Shallow. Lost. Surreal introversion,
Void of love, touch and thought beyond my fear.

Part II

They are not gone forever, as the moon in the day,
But she only seems cold and distant until she glows on your face.
A dog whimpers in his cage when his master is away,
And the thought brings bile to my throat, with a bitter taste.

I can't hear your breath, nor heartbeat, not a sound,
But the ticking of my watch as the arms go around,
Though mine circle nothing in this deep opposing place.
Only reason keeps me from begging you to stay.

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