Cold Souls | Teen Ink

Cold Souls

October 25, 2011
By RebeccaR PLATINUM, Racine, Wisconsin
RebeccaR PLATINUM, Racine, Wisconsin
21 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.
-- Jonathan Winters

You were a cold soul
Only your skin was hot in fiery rage
The rest of you resided in a freezing cage
You were both day and night
For your love
I traded my treasure of sight
Then there we were
Blinded and stripped to the very rawness of our exploding souls
We were only beginning a treacherous walk on searing coals

As soon as you came, you left
You were gone and there was emptiness
I soon became aware
That I was a heart-broken , long before I had become addicted to your lustrous stare
But only then could I let the tears fall
And they were many to fall
You wouldn’t know
But so long ago
I was hurt by someone much more important to me than you
Clawing and biting before you left; that’s just what I expected you to do

I jumped into your arms
Trying to ignore the sirens of alarm
I ran swiftly off the cliff
I wanted to be free
In my own graveyard of memories
There I was and there I fell
Into your arms and under a spell
Forgetting the rules and playing a mere game
But the concept still stood true
Even When I did what I wanted to

“True love can only be found
When someone worth loving is around”

The author's comments:
My dad was the first man to break my heart. I will always remeber the pain of his coldness to me in my young life before he left. This suffocating rejection led to so many bad decisions based on my desperation to be loved. But love cannot be someone who is just as anxious to use you for thier own personal reasons. Love is, and alwyas has been, when someone wants to take care of you and will sacrifice for your benifit. I know it seems so simple, but it has taken me a long time to finally get this and there is still so much more I learn about love every day.

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