Solitude | Teen Ink


September 29, 2011
By Shadowlight18 GOLD, Arlington, Texas
Shadowlight18 GOLD, Arlington, Texas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Look to the sky and you might find that you can fly. Look to the sea and you might see who you want to be.

The day is dark as night.
The cold it creeps upon us, holds on tight.
The thunder sounds it's name as the lightening flashes it's grin.
The rain attacks the earth.
The wind laughs out loud.
And I am at home.
As the leaves roll on the ground.
As trees sway back and forth.
As animals and people run for cover, I only watch.
I do not hate the cold like them.
I do not fear the dark like them.
No person can see me.
No person can hear me.
I am alone, a shadow passing across the land.
I will not be remembered, for my solitude withstands all.
A storm rages both outside and within.
My days are dark, even when the sun shines.
My screams go unheard.
My grin is but a flash of one who was once seen.
I attack them, for what else am I to do?
I laugh aloud, enjoying my struggle.
I am at home here in this storm.
Here with the wind and rain.
Here with the thunder and lightening.
Here with the cold and dark.
My solitude withstands all.
Even my own dying heart.
Even my own pounding fists.
My own raging storm.
My solitude withstands all.
Can you?

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