Without him | Teen Ink

Without him

October 2, 2011
By yourlollipopgurl GOLD, Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee
yourlollipopgurl GOLD, Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"when you love someone let them go if they return they were always yours if they don't they never were."

What do I do now that you gone , you've betrayed me in every sense of the word is our relationship really that cursed? I keep breaking down in tears because your no longer here you've found a new home inside someone Else's heart and you left me broken apart. How could you do this to me I really thought we was meant to be I trusted you in every way and now I'm left feelings so betrayed. I've held back the tears trying to be so strong and focus on the anger , but when your hearts hurting so much the anger isn't as much danger as the thoughts of the past keep lingering in my mind I really don't know if this will pass in time I want to forget everything about you I want to forget that I trusted you but whats done is done you can't take it back you chose who you wanted ,and now I'm left here alone broken hearted trying to start over again. I really don't think I will ever be whole again.

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