You are You | Teen Ink

You are You

September 26, 2011
By ekelly2015 SILVER, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
ekelly2015 SILVER, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are unique
In your own special way.
You can sore above the clouds
Or crawl underground.
You can stand up above the rest
Or hide in the crowd.
You can set your goals high
Or not give dang.
You can try to find your own way
Or live in a shadow for all your life.
You can be yourself
Or someone else.
You can do what you want
Mean what you say
Hear what you want
And play your own game.
You are the ruler of your own life.
So live it to the fullest
Or until you’re satisfied.
Your life is up to you
Because you are you.

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