Paper Dolls | Teen Ink

Paper Dolls

September 8, 2011
By TheStoryWeaver GOLD, Sofia, Other
TheStoryWeaver GOLD, Sofia, Other
12 articles 4 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Aenied is an Odyssey of epic proportions." - Caleb
"Eve was deceived and ate the fruit, Adam ate it out of stupidity." - Mr. M
"Begone ye map of woe!"
"I'm the map..." - Lydia and Caleb.

Diversity is a disguise.
A mask, a smokescreen they hide behind.
Different names file by, but
they have the same face.
Different bodies file by, but they are the same person.
They are the same.
Paper dolls, joined at the wrist and exactly the same.
But not I.
For I am the words.
The words to music, the words to stories.
And though it leaves me standing alone,
I will not join the paper dolls.
But who really wants to be one of them
When the paper dolls steal your identity?

The author's comments:
Don't you hate similarity?

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