She's not the only one | Teen Ink

She's not the only one

July 19, 2011
By Bridawn BRONZE, Richland Center, Wisconsin
Bridawn BRONZE, Richland Center, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
~If you going through hell keep on going, don&#039;t slow down~<br /> ~If you love something let it go, if it comes back it was meant to be and if it doesn&#039;t it never was~<br /> -If a guy wants you, nothing can keep him away from you. If he doesn&rsquo;t want you, nothing

I'm there one day then gone the next. I tried yet you just lied. You said I was your everything, nothing could tare us apart. I'm having the feeling I never meant anything, just another girl you got what you want. You changed me, broke me, and got me to shatter. I hope your happy you got another girl to fall. Two timing me was something so low. Your just a shallow guy full of lies. You did your best to build me up with all your bulls*** I believed. Now I sit here and cry ashamed I let this happen, ashamed I let you do this to me. I found my weakness and apparently its you. You get to me like no one else, letting you go is so hard to do. For you it was easy, yet you still deny everything I already knew. Your lies are no longer needed, I now know the truth. You used me then just pushed me away, all these memories I'm trying to let them fade. But time after time, day by day that's all I'll need. You no longer in my life may be my weakness but it'll soon go away. All that you said meant so much to me but you threw me to the side and walked away. All the I love yous you threw out to me, they hurt time after time but are fading away. Words so important you don't just say, when they mean nothing to you and keep walking away. The lies I keep finding out, you have no idea what they've done to me. You pushed me to the rock bottom, you pushed me so hard it's my new home. So this new girl your on to I hope she finds out soon. The boy you are is great at first, but what she doesn't know is your in disguise. You'll lead her on oh so well, then lie after lie will spill out of your sweet little mouth. So this white piece of trash will find out soon, yet you'll get what you want out of her I know for sure. You'll tell her your falling more in love then she'll smile and think your the one. Then you'll soon get what you want but what she doesn't know, she isn't the only one.

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