Plastic Dolls | Teen Ink

Plastic Dolls

June 24, 2011
By theskinnyonlife GOLD, Saint Louis, Missouri
theskinnyonlife GOLD, Saint Louis, Missouri
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live. Laugh. Love"

Your heart is twisted,
Aluminum ties binding,
The only natural object of your being,
Alcohol bottles glued to your open hands,
A smirk frozen on your face,
Red lipstick never fading,
Cover girl brand,
Eyes are just surfaced,
No depth anywhere,
Pupils already dilated,
Golden hair,
Not a strand out of place,
Slender body,
Curves in all the right places,
Mini-dress plastered on your torso,
No wrinkle in sight,
Legs never walking,
Just posing,
Hot pink heels,
Covering the serial number,
The only differentiation,
From all the rest,
Bound in a box,
Crinkly clear cover,
A personal windshield,
Protecting your plastic,
Your name hovering above you,
Following you everywhere,
No one can help but look,

How does it feel,
To be lost in your own world,
No knowledge but your own,
Breaking down the brand-less,
Burying their own grave,
The tombstone nameless,
Your brain is nothing,
Hallow silence,
Begging for intelligence,
You swivel around,
Limbs creaking,
Making your entrance,
Here comes the plastic,
You're nothing but a void,

Society loves you,
I don't,
You're plastic,
A bad taste in my mouth,
A hunger pang,
A migraine,
Bottomless torture,
But one question,
How's it like living in your own box?

The author's comments:
Sometimes life give you people that make you cringe. People who think they are on the top of the world, even though they are on the same level as everyone else. I call these people Barbies, or plastic dolls.

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