My letter to Him | Teen Ink

My letter to Him

April 5, 2011
By baby.girl BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
baby.girl BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together, when everyone else would expect you to fall apart. That's tru strength.

LORD- I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I make You too small. I'm sorry that You had to suffer because of me. I'm sorry I daily forsake You. I'm sorry I let You down.
LORD- I thank You. I thank You that you made me so small in Your precious universe. I thank You that I suffer for You. I thank You that You daily die for me. I thank You that You never forsake me. I thank You that You never let me down.
LORD- You amaze me. You love me! You died for ME! You made me. You hold me. You adore me. You understand me. You lead me. You carry me. You forgive me. You change me. You complete me.
LORD- Let me serve You. Let me sacrifice for You. Let me glorify You. Let me exalt You. Let me praise You. Let me love You. Let me share You. Let me show You I appreciate You. Let me want You. Let me be still. Let me listen. Let me see. Open my eyes, and change my life. You're the only one that matters. Let me fulfill your purpose.... to You all the glory.

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote at Passion. After a session in our community group, we were asked to remain silent and just write whatever was on our hearts and this is what came out in my journal.

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