what we were<3 | Teen Ink

what we were<3

March 29, 2011
By BabbyBea SILVER, Jackson, Ohio
BabbyBea SILVER, Jackson, Ohio
8 articles 8 photos 1 comment

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without you i&#039;d be lost in this sea of life. but, ive been blessed with you as my light to guide me through.

Those two words, I had to say. I’m sorry but I had to walk away. I love you, and I left you. In the end where was your heart? I know you said you didn’t want us to be apart. Have you really thought that through; is this really what you wanna do? Its merely time for a goodbye. Who knows what’s to come for you and I. We take things step by step, for promises you never kept, my heart is always in your favor, a feeling I will always be left to savor. You are in my dreams, and in my mind, even when our fingers are intertwined, my heart aches for you, and the things you do to me, but these are feelings I can not shake. But these things are to risky for me to take. What happened to, what we used to be. We were so happy you and me. I thought you were my only one. I was rudely awakened; because now we are done. It’s not an end; more like a new beginning. The beginning has begun, and each time, looking at you, it’s a stun. You're eyes so blue, tell me that your feelings are true, I can't decide, what is right inside, but I know your heart, you don't mean to hurt me, but your words aren’t like they were at the start. You are my light, my reason to fight; I'm so sad, does it make you glad? To see me torn down; and to always be wearing this never ending frown. Were your words just another lie? Because I don’t believe you’re having a hard time with this goodbye. I’m not the girl you wish I could be, but I’m even more special don’t you see? It’s like your blinded by what everyone else has to say. Is it ever going to go away?

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