Caged Mischief | Teen Ink

Caged Mischief

March 24, 2011
By Frysauce SILVER, Farmington, Utah
Frysauce SILVER, Farmington, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” -James Dean

The peaceful stars erupted
with the gentlest KABOOM!
on that cold summer night
in that high-end saloon.

I was slouching up straight,
my floating feet on the ground
to keep me from crashing
into nobody around.

The supersonic whisper
rent the solid sky in half.
The blinding darkness swallowing
heavy hope in my behalf.

My hideous eyes were beautified
as blindly I watched dull sparkles
fall fast on uprising currents
of crystal clear charcoal.

Don’t open your ears,
you can already see.
Today is the night
caged mischief runs free.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in my Creative Writing class. We had just read a large selection of opposite poems, and we were required to write one, so here it is! My pride and joy!

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