Daddy's commitment | Teen Ink

Daddy's commitment

February 10, 2011
By City_Of_Angels PLATINUM, West Des Moines, Iowa
City_Of_Angels PLATINUM, West Des Moines, Iowa
25 articles 1 photo 31 comments

My precious little one
Your life has seem to just begun
Filled with tons of pink and puff
And my day of being tough
Though you've changed my dreams and heart
Now my job can begin to start
My job of someday being there
With gentle arms and a laugh to share

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on Oct. 20 2012 at 5:40 pm
stupendousman BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
2 articles 13 photos 182 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hey, guys, if there's no wind, there's nothing to blow the leaves around." - from "Sons of Provo"
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"
"the best things in life aren't things"

beautiful! i love it :D