MY Dream | Teen Ink

MY Dream

January 9, 2011
By McTessa SILVER, St. Paul, Minnesota
McTessa SILVER, St. Paul, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I make Jessica Simpson look like a Rock Scientist&quot; -Tara Reid<br /> &quot;I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.&quot; - Britney Spears

What if everything’s just a dream?
What would happen if everything is what I thought it isn’t?
All the joy, pain, happiness, sorrow, achievements, failures, goals…what if they’re nothing?
What if I wake up one day and realize all I’ve ever known is wrong?
Would it have been worth it?
All the stresses and trials…are they worth it?

If this is a dream,
I can do whatever I want.
I can.
And no one can stop me.
Not a single person in this whole imaginary world.
Because it’s mine, and it will never be anything else.

My life is a dream.
Starting now, and stretching until I wake up that is how I will live it.
Like a dream.
Because life should be nothing less than a dream,
And I should be nothing less than all I have ever imagined.

I can be who I want and I go where I want to go because it’s my life,
No, it’s my dream.
And who knows if I’ll ever get another one.
If I can imagine all this, what’s to keep me from it?

Not a single person can hold me back.
Not with their looks, or doubts, or judgments.
Because all they’ve thought of me, I’ve already thought of myself.
And not even I can hold myself back from living my life as a dream.

It’s mine.
And in the end,
It will be worth it.

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