Find the Words to Say | Teen Ink

Find the Words to Say

January 23, 2011
By girly617 GOLD, Rochester, Massachusetts
girly617 GOLD, Rochester, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's no day, but today."

Every time you speak
I get a little weak in the knees
And I try my best
To keep my heart in my chest
And not on my sleeve
Don't you know that's tough for me
I can't ever find words to finish what you say
Even though I've tried and I've tried and I've tried for days
But I suppose this is a good start
And now would be a good time to hand you the key to my heart
Let yourself in even if no one's home
Just make sure you leave my valuables alone
Oh and one last thing before I forget
I think you could be the most amazing person I've met

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