O, mo khreach sa as thàinig | Teen Ink

O, mo khreach sa as thàinig

January 15, 2011
By hindsightismyonlyflaw SILVER, Fairfield, California
hindsightismyonlyflaw SILVER, Fairfield, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"...And resist what holds you back." - As Blood Runs Black - Resist

Alas, the worst ov feelings is upon me,
I am betwixt with distorted thoughts ov abandonment and insecurity.
If I could reverse the enchantment that is upon me,
This world and I would be better off,
However, no wishes come true in this world
And what a drag that is,
For I have a million wishes for that genie ov sorts.

Alas, everything I have tried has counteracted;
Everything always has a second chance to hurt me
And karma’s always there to pick up the vestiges.
No one can pull me from this depression,
For the reason that this is my problem,
And not the world’s,
So leave me on my own and everything shall be fine.

One might say I’m alienated,
But, thou who attack my dignity shall be
Commenced to famine.
Blasphemy is something I cannot come to admit
That I do not commit.
Atheist, I am, and Atheist I shall stay.

Alas, my time is ne’er,
Just look at where I’m at now.
My time is forever above,
Just like the brother that I lost
So many years ago.
I was forsaken with but a warning.
I am betwixt with distorted thoughts ov abandonment and insecurity,
For the worst ov feelings is upon me now.

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