We Need ND | Teen Ink

We Need ND

January 5, 2011
By T.D.Maxwell PLATINUM, Blue Island, Illinois
T.D.Maxwell PLATINUM, Blue Island, Illinois
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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The world is stupid
The world is blind
why cant we all do hippie
and throw up the peace sign

Stop the chaos, and carnage,
We demand nuclear disarmament.
Stop the fighting the earth is soar,
We must do something to end all wars,
and use our money to help the core.
The economy is bad but we can fix it,
but everyone must help that’s the only ticket.
I fear for the day that the world gets destroyed,
and before my son or daughter gets employed.
Put aside our differences for peace,
working together is the only key.
Do something now or the earth will rust.
We need justice
Not just us.

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