Conflicting Emotions | Teen Ink

Conflicting Emotions

December 22, 2010
By VictoriaH. PLATINUM, Henderson, Nevada
VictoriaH. PLATINUM, Henderson, Nevada
45 articles 32 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return - Moulin Rouge

we accept the love we think we deserve - the perks of being a wallflower

be with me, if you'll never leave me
better yet, leave me, so you never have the chance to hurt me
you say you'll love me forever
for that I'll hold you close and dear
for that I'll love you
the future then comes to mind, unstable, unexpected
for that, I push you back
for that I run away
I'm looking for love in a desperate endless search
only to toss away every eligible chance, from fear
fear of being left, fear of being hurt
it's happened before and I don't think I could bear if it happened again
the nightmares of my past
causing conflicting emotions,
overruling my better judgment
controlling my future.

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