Just a memory now... | Teen Ink

Just a memory now...

September 29, 2010
By LexieBehr BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
LexieBehr BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary.
Mark Twain

We were once friends
It seems so long ago
We knew eachother's secrets
No matter how bad they were
We trusted each other
even though "trust" is just a word
No meaning
We loved each other like sisters-apparently not
Letting go was easy
or so we thought
sisters don't give up.
I guess we weren't as close as we thought we were
we gave up easy
it was all a misunderstanding
a big mess
we regret that day
the day i lost a sister
the day i shed too many tears
the day i began to miss you...
Now-a-days we've split paths
Talk a little.
But i still remember you..

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